十大正规网堵平台 Hosts Fundraiser for MDA

上映日期(待定): APRIL 25, 2012 4:41 PM 
联系人: DIRECTOR OF MARKETING 757-490-9090

Student’s Son/教师 Member’s Brother Inspires 校园 to Raise More than $3,500

纽波特纽斯, VA – The 纽波特纽斯 campuses of  十大正规网堵平台 and its School of 健康科学, Medical Careers Institute, have long been dedicated to raising money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), as well as supplying physical therapy assistant volunteers at MDA summer camps. This year has certainly been no exception. At its April 19 Pie-in-the-Face Contest and Raffle, 超过3美元,收集了500, bringing the five year total to more than $15,000.

作为学生, faculty and staff prepared for this year’s campaign, they did not have to look far for inspiration. That’s because muscular dystrophy has touched two members of the campus family. English Professor Melissa West lost her brother, Sean, to the disease three years ago. “At the age of sixteen, he was told that his condition would kill him within two years,” she says. “MDA was there for my mother and my family to give us information on how to help my brother and make the most out of every day.  As his condition worsened, they assisted us in filing the paperwork to provide my brother with a motorized wheelchair so that he could leave the house. They connected him with others who had the same condition, which allowed him to both give and receive encouragement throughout his life.”



Monday, December 14, 2015